International tree mortality network

Data Survey

Data survey of global forest condition

The International Tree Mortality network aims to develop methods for merging, harmonizing and integrating different data depositories (e.g., national forest inventories, research networks) and data types (e.g., field surveys, remote-sensing products) to provide information on global tree mortality rates.

We are collecting information on data sources, both terrestrial and from remote sensing, that allow inferences on forest condition in general and tree mortality in particular. To do so we have set up two surveys, see below. If you’re working with forest inventory or forest plot data for a particular region, or if you use remote-sensing products to investigate forest condition at larger spatial scales, please fill out the surveys on forest data sources. Note that this is a community activity linking existing networks and research groups, we do not seek to collect raw data.

If you are interested in contributing data, please fill out the  data survey below!

We are looking forward to working together with you!

The ITMN core team

Henrik, Adriane, Tom, Nadine, Bernhard, Rupert, Cornelius